Nickname: Spox
Age: 16
Location: Netherlands
Class: Paladin
Talentbuild: Holy
Armory Link:
Will you respec if needed?: Yes, but I doubt that'll be needed :-) (don't have very good gear for retri, and none for prot)
How many days a week can you raid?: Four at most
Do you have raid experience and if so, name it?: MC, BWL etc pre BC, Karazhan Cleared, Zul'Aman 4/6, Gruul cleared and Lurker tries (on another character)
Why do you want to join our guild?:
Well first of all I was looking for a guild, and I asked around a bit, and I was told I should have a go at "Blackened" :-). So here I am. Ofcourse I'm in it for gear, but in the end who isn't? Anyway besides that, the main reason I would want to join any guild is that I just want to have fun, have nice discussions and meet nice people.
Do you agree that Tanks and Healers will get gear priority?: Absolutely
Do you read boss tactics and got everything ready before we start raiding?: Yes, but I have a bad memory so I hope you will remind me before we try anything :-).
Tell us something about yourself: Well I'm 16, currently still in school. I'm your average gamer, but I also do Judo in real life :-). Currently (obviously) going to highschool. Raid times though, are no problem for me.
How is your Internet Connection?: Good enough (Sorry I really ain't that technical but it says here 11,0 MpbS, dunno if that's good enough, but the only lag I have is when I'm in Shat or any other capital :-))
Thank you for reading
Greetings, Spox